How to detect Adblock on website

First Understand how ad blockers work..

When a browser requests a website address it downloads the corresponding HTML file which includes internal & external references to Javascript files, CSS stylesheets and images. If the browser has an ad blocker installed, it will compare the names of referenced scripts & files against a "block list" and if there are any matches those files will be ignored.

To fix this problem, here i am providing a small solution.

Create one "ads.js" file on th root and place the below code in that file.

var canAdsRunOnThisSite = true;

The following code add in between Head tags (<head>...</head>).

<script src = "" type = "text/javascript"> </script>
<%--Ad Block Code - JS - Start--%> 
<script src = "js/ads.js"> </script> 
	$(window).load(function () {
		if (window.canAdsRunOnThisSite === undefined) {
			// adblocker detected, show message
				'height': $(window).height(),
				'position': 'fixed'
			$('#alt').click(function () {
					'height': '50px',
<%--Ad Block Code - JS - End--%>

In the Body content, at last add the following code. The below code i have added in this website.

<div id="notify" style="display:none;">
   <p id="adblocktext"> <br />
      I have detected that you are using AdBlock software. <br /> 
      This site is supported by advertisements to keep site free for everyone. <br /> 
      <span>Please add <a href=""></a> to your 
      <br />
      ad blocking whitelist or disable your adblocking software.</span>  <br />
      <span id="sig">- Himasagar Kutikuppala </span> <br /><br />
      <span id="alt">Click here to close it. </span> <br />

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